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17th Annual Leaders in Literacy Sponsors

2023 Calendar Year Donors


Institutional Supporters

Activate Good

Augustine Literacy Project​

Book Harvest

Catholic Charities Food Bank

Church World Service

City of Durham Office of Economic and Workforce Development

Digital Durham

Dress for Success

Duke Partnership for Service

Duke Service-Learning

Duke University​

Duke University Program in Education

Durham Children’s Initiative

Durham County

Durham County Health Department

Durham County Library

Durham Public Schools

Durham Technical Community College​

Durham Women's Club and the Togetherhood Project

Durham Workforce Development Board

Durham’s Campaign for Grade-Level Reading

El Centro Hispano​

El Futuro

Emily K Center​

First Presbyterian Church


Kramden Institute

Life Skills Foundation

Made In Durham

NC LiteracyCorps

NC Museum of Life & Science​

NC Vocational Rehabilitation

NCWorks Career Center

NextGen/Eckerd Youth Services

North Carolina Community College System

Orange County Literacy Council​

StepUp Durham


Triangle eCycling

Triangle Nonprofit and Volunteer Leadership Center


World Relief Durham

Barnes Family Foundation

Bart Ehrman Foundation Inc.

Bastian Foundation

Blair Publishing

Broadside PR

Carlson Family Foundation Inc.

Carolina Pig Cookers

Coca Cola Durham

County of Durham

CT Wilson Construction

Devonwood Foundation

Dollar General Literacy Foundation

Duke Doing Good in the Neighborhood

Duke Energy Carolinas

Duke University Chapel Congregation

Duke University Office of Durham & Community Affairs

Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

Durham Library Foundation

Empire Properties

Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Inc.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Evelyn D. Schmidt Charitable Trust

First National Bank of Pennsylvania

First Presbyterian Church

Fox Family Foundation

Fullsteam Durham


Harris Teeter

Holy Infant Catholic Church

INFUUSIONS Giving Circle

Jacobs Preyer Family Foundation

Jewish for Good

Larry's Coffee

Law Offices of James Scott Farrin

Made In Durham

Mark Jacobson Toyota

Morgan Creek Foundation

Morningstar Law Group

North Carolina Community College System

Overture Chapel Hill

Pacific Western Bank

Pampered Chef

Paypal Giving Fund

PNC Bank

ProLiteracy America

Protolabs Employee Recognition Fund

Red Collective

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

RTI International

RTP DEI Collective/STEM Grants

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

The Forest at Duke

The Gratitude Fund

Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club

Tucker Bria Wealth Strategies

United Way of the Greater Triangle


Wegmans Food Markets

Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management, LLC

WW Flowers FBO Durham Charities

Wyrick Robbins

JHF Society Members

PLATINUM ($10,000/5 years)

Bart Ehrman

Dr. Barbara Newborg*

Jenny Semans Koortbojian*

Mary Dunn & James Siedow*

GOLD ($5,000/5 years)

Nicola Gafinowitz


SILVER ($1,000/5 years)


Brian Schneiderman and Amy Bryant

Bryna and Gregory Rapp

Dan Oldman and Kathy Starkweather

Deb Wong and Richard Widdell

Deborah Bender

Deborah Wong and Richard Riddell

Jason DeBruyn

Jon and Debbie Stonehouse

Laurie Braun

Matt and Lindsay Tomlinson

Phail Wynn, Jr.*

Susan and Matthew Springer

Vincent Cavallari


BRONZE ($500/5 years)

Amy Daubert

Anthony and Sherri Hutchinson

Beth Goldstein

Deborah Roth

Diana Hackenburg and Jesse Freedman

Ellen and Kenneth Reckhow

Etan Gumerman and Julie Harris

Gail Faulkner Hudson

Gwenn Weaver

Jill Madsen

Jonathan Weiler and Yonat Shimron

Joseph and Carlisle Harvard

Joyce Sykes

Katharine Harrod

Kathy Sikes

Leah Welsh

Lianna Jerecki

Lynn Bowlby

Maggie and Harrell Chotas

Marc and Pam Cohen

Michael Ortiz

Mitch Tuchman

Nathan and Rachel Bearman

Patricia and Robert Henderson

Peggy and Floyd C. Hardy

Peter and Martha Klopfer

Pope and Wendy McCorkle

Reginald and Celeste Hodges

Richard and Cynthia Brodhead

Robert and Sheila Breitweiser, Jr.

Sandra K. Roberts

Sarah Beckwith

Seymour and Josephine Mauskopf

Shirley Few

Susan Trabka

Tony and Teddie Brown

Truman and Connie Semans

*In Memorium

Other Donors

$10000 and greater

Bart Ehrman and Sarah Beckwith

Brenda Brodie

Grant and Tamia Hill

$5000 to $10000

Christoph and Elise Stutts

Martha and William Foy

Nicola Gafinowitz

$1000 to $5000

Amy Daubert

Andrew and Ginny Widmark

Andy and Andy Esser

Anthony and Teddie Brown

Barbara Dickinson and Michel Tharp

Brad Young

Brian Schneiderman and Amy Bryant

Bryna and Gregory Rapp

Connie Winstead and Bo Glenn

Cressent Pressly

David and Arlene Vining

Dr. Holden

Ellen McGeorge

Hebert Family Fund

James and Bonnie Cox

Janice Robins

Jay Springer

Jeremy Arkin and Marian Fragola

Loretta E Braxton

Louise Swanson

Lynn Bowlby and Neal Ready

Lynn Wilson

Mary Ellen Walkama

Matthew and Kathryn Carr

Michael Taeckens

Mindy and Guy Solie

Nathan and Rachel Bearman

Pope and Wendy McCorkle

Prue Meehan

Susan and Matt Springer

Tom and Susan Taylor

W. Barker and Cavett French

$500 to $999

Amanda Fine

Beth Goldstein

Charles and Jean Wilson

Christine Marx

Daniel Greyber

David and Renee Connelly

Doug and Allison Eisner

Fred and Eileen Springer

Gail Faulkner Hudson and Judy Cutts

Gwenn Weaver

Harrell and Maggie Chotas

Isaac and Virginia Thomas

Jill Ryan

Jonathan Weiler and Yonat Shimron

June Munshi

Karen Prus and Lewis Carson Jr.

Katrina and Gerald Townsend

Lauren Spohrer

Linda Gilchrist

Lizzie Ellis-Furlong and Emmet Furlong

Marc and Pam Cohen

Margaret and Thomas Keller

Mary Clayton

Mitch Tuchman

Patricia and Robert Henderson

Randy Myer

Reginald and Celeste Hodges

Richard and Lore Chilausky

Richard Powell

Robert and Barbara Appleby

Sandy Roberts

Sara Webb

Scott Josephs

Stacey Goldberg

Steve Harris

Sylvianne Roberge

Timothy Brooks

Trina Allen

Victor and Ruth Dzau

Wayne House

William and Ann Kirkland

$100 to $499

A. Christine Baker

Aaron Guyton

Aimee Zaas

Alan and Gillian Larson

Alan DuBois

Alexandra Dupont Crosswell

Alison Hilton

Amelia Tosti

Amy and Colby Bogie and Vanessa Murillo Rubio

Andrew and Victoria Gunto

Ann Christensen

Ann Leibel

Anne Napoli

Ari Medoff

Arielle Derby

Aris Buinevicius

Audrey Sanders

Barbara Branson

Bob and Laura Gutman

C. Andrew Sprouse

C. Butler

Camille Berry

Carolyn Coolidge-Riggs

Catherine Gracey

Cathryn Cotten

Christiaan and Victoria Heijmen

Christopher and Sandra Elam

Cindy Kahler

Claire Osgood

Cora Harrison

Coutrney and Eric Kirchmann

Curtis and Carol Richardson

Cynthia and John Aldrich

Daniel Hudgins and Ann McKown

Daniel Jackson

David and Carolyn Morris

David and Donna Rabiner

David and Rose Halperin

David Rosenfeld

David Stein and Deborah Horvitz

David Steinbrink

David Vos

Dawn and Dan Pratt

Deborah and George Christie

Deborah Bender

Dennis and Diane Blair

Dhinakaran Gobalakrishna

Don and Rebecca Knowles

Doug and Nancy Henderson-James

Duncan and Susan Yaggy

Edward and Elizabeth Benson

Elyza and Jeffrey Halev

Eric Madariaga

Erick and Sherry Larson

Faye - Davis Rapp

Ferehiwot Tallmadge

Fiona Morgan

Frances Rollins

Fred Lebowitz

Gene Nichol

George Kirkland

Gita Schonfeld

Gordon and Barbara Kimbrell

Gwendolyn Wright

Halina Krzystek

Hariette and J. Lawrence Frank

Harvey and Sandra Cohen

Helen Kalisher

Helena Hopenshaw

James Roberts and Deborah Jakubs

Jane Pate

Jane Williams

Jeffery Beam

Jennifer Bachman

Jennifer Gordon

Jennifer Johnston

Jeri Lee

Jerry Chuaypradit

Jill Beimdiek

Jill Gordon

Jill Rose

Jodi Beetham

John Cross

John Currie

John Helms

John Kessel

Jonathan Shanower

Jonathan Wilfong and Wendy Baker

Jordana Brown

Joseph and Kay Morgan

Kanchana Leung

Kandace Farrar

Karen Atkins and Steven Mann

Karen Springer

Karen Verhaeghe

Katharine Bartlett

Katherine Guillemette

Kathleen & Roger Rounds & Schwarz

Kathleen Brown and William Ellenson

Kathleen Rounds

Kathy Sikes

Katie Collini

Keith and Regina Kronmiller

Kendall Kirk

Kirsten Mullen and William Darity

Kristina Stjernfeldt

Kristine Herfkens

Lauren Garber

Lauri Klein

Laurie Fox

Leah Welsh

Lewis Dancy

Lila Leff

Lucy and Paul Haagen

Malachi Hacohen and Julie Mell

Marc and Betsy Joseph

Margaret Jordan

Mariana Byrd

Marie and John Lux

Mary and Bob Crane

Mary James

Mary Jo Keenan and Larry Reed

Mary Mehrer

Mary Panek

Megan Crain

Michael and Sarah Woodard

Michael Brown

Michele Melet

Michelle Kahn

Michelle Kramer

Michelle Lynch

Michelle Shrott

Miji Bell

Milly Rambhia

Molly Rich

Monika Winchester

Nancy Blood and Catherine Chandler

Nancy Sowa

Naomi and Ian Davis

Orit Ramler

Pamela Gray

Pamela Mears and Stephen Pomeroy

Patricia Wild

Patty Lee

Paul Feldblum and Mary Boatwright

Paul Price

Pete Eisenmann

Peter and Barbara Fish

Peter and Martha Klopfer


Phyllis Supple

Prom Vatanapradit

Randy and Susan Frick

Ray and Geraldine Larson

Rebecca Jules

Rebo Sullivan

Rhonda Cohen

Richard and Clarice Weinberg

Rina Lyubkin

Robert and Phyllis Andrews

Robert Trawick and Sabra Faires

Robin Moran

Robyn, Nancy, & Bonnie Lisch

Sandra Smith

Sandy Wagner

Sarah and Marjorie Baesmith

Sarah Jenislawski

Sarah Leverett

Satsuki Scoville and David Farrell

Scott and Heidi Carter

Sekazi Mtingwa and Estella Johnson

Shannon Bell

Sonya Ulrich

Standra Kay Patterson

Stephen Ryan

Steve Mitzel

Steve Schewel and Lao Rupert

Steve Smith

Steven and Wendy Sorin

Steven Robins

Steven Wells

Susan Egnoto

Susan Montani

Susan Sept

Suzanne Wasiolek

Thomas Hadzor and Susan Ross

Timothy McMackin

Torey Wahlstrom

Trudi Abel and Noah Pickus

Vickie Mendes

Vince and Ethel Simonetti

Vivian Clarke

William Allen

William and Barbara Anderson

William and Patricia Armistead

William David Austin

William Gordon

Ziva Raney

$1 to $99

Abigail Bugger

Alice Brown

Amy McDonald

Amy, Andy & Lewis Shaevel

Anne Marie Will

April Springer

Arthur and Caroline Rogers

Ayla Ficken

Bill and Geralyn Homovec

Bruce and Barbara Jentleson

Carol Gallione

Carol Lautier

Carolyn Ferrell

Caryn Rossi


Charlotte Nelson

Chris Johnston

Christopher McGee

Christy Brooks

Cynthia Liston

D Geoffrey Webster

Dale Gaddis

David Sloan

David Veasey

Dawn Amory

Debra Reach

Devorah Zamora

Diane Meglin and Bruce Horn

Dolores Miller

Drew Sprague

Elizabeth and Frank Dain

Elizabeth and Helmuts Feifs

Elizabeth Ellis

Elizabeth Rusnak

Ershela Sims

Eugene and Signe Brown

Eugenia Rogers

Frances Stuart

Gail Curry

Gillian Parke

Hadley Meares

Hinda Lind

Howard Robins

Hoyle Eggleston

Hugh and Lianne MacGregor

James Haverkamp and Joyce Ventimiglia

Janie Morris

Jean and John Willard

Jen & Blake Johnson

Jennifer Knoeber

Jennifer Kornbluth

Jennifer Naylor

Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer Wilken

Joan Barber

Joe Pate

Joel Newman

John Hanks and Rebecca Hutchins

John Shoenfelt

Jonathan Schwartz

Karlie Tong

Karsten Huneycutt

Kate Reissner

Kate Shirah

Kate Todhunter

Kathy Knoeber

Kavita Rajagopal

Kelly Beck-Sordi

Kenneth and Dina Horn

Kerry Duncan

Kevin Benjamin

Kim Mayo

Kimberly Thurman

Kristen Hefner

Kulwadee Yung

Larry Hawley

Laurie Champagne

LaVerne Coan

Leah Boucher

Leila Keen

Lisa Ruckdeschel

Lois Sobel

Madeline Seltman

Marianne Marlo

Marilyn Wilensky

Marion Ellis

Mark Dessauer

Martha Dimes

Mary Leonard

May Bryan

Megan Raley

Michaela Davidai

Mike Thorland

Molly Miller

Monica Beals

Nancy Kaiser and G. Guy Potter

Natalie Beyer

Nidhi Cash

Ollie Polk

Paolo Mangiafico

Parthenia Burnette

Patricia Knaudt and Charles Cloutier

Patricia Michaels

Paul Neinstein

Pearl Sullivan

Pearline Washington

Pete Rich

Philip Bors

Punjaporn Wangkeo

purvi sangani

Rachel Braver

Rachel Gordon

Rachel Harter

Raina Elsner

Reeve Huston and Sarah Deutsch

Richelle Stone

Robert and Carol Passmore

Robert Buchanan

Robert Funck

Robinson Everett Jr.

Sabina Sager

Sally and Steve Brown

Sally Fessler

Samina Aziz and Christ Riffer

Sandi and Michael Friedman

Sarah Shoenfeld

Shari Geismar

Sharon Locy

Shaun Dyk

Sheldon Hayer

Shondra Brewer

Steve and Edie Cohn

Steve Rudenstein

stuart bernstein

Sue Graham

Susan and John Guyton

Susan Kirsch

Susan Pratt

Suzanne Swink

Ted Conner

Teddy Gray

Therese Fowler

Todd White

Victor Wells

Viji Sathy

W. Stephens and Sandra Toler

Wendy Jacobs

Wilfred Drake

Zack Opheim

Thank you all for your support. We strive for perfection when it comes to recognizing each and every one of you. If you see we have made a clerical error in listing your name or contribution, please give us a call so we can make it right as soon as possible.

​Contact us:​


(919) 489-8383


1905 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707


Mail:  PO Box 52209, Durham, NC 27717


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The Durham Literacy Center is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 56-1479534.

© Durham Literacy Center 2025

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