Impact > Student Story


Tai, one of the latest graduates of our Youth Achievement Program (YAP), had been an excellent student in traditional school who balanced her academics with a challenging family situation and personal health issues. She left school when her health issues resulted in too many absences and chose our program to earn her high school equivalency diploma and move on to college.
Meet Tai in this video and hear her tell her story.
As YAP Program Coordinator Amy Bruzzichesi said, “Tai’s commitment to always learn, to not use hard things as excuses, and to persevere even when things are difficult continue to inspire everyone who has the privilege to be around her.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tai’s graduation date was pushed back by almost six months. She kept studying, though, and was ready to take her final high school equivalency tests as soon as the testing center at Durham Tech reopened this fall.
And her perseverance paid off! Tai was awarded a scholarship from the Morgan Creek Foundation, a supporter of the Youth Achievement Program, to help her transition to college. She is planning to enroll in Durham Tech this winter before moving on to a four-year college to complete a bachelor's degree in social work.
On paper, Tai might look like a statistic. But we know better-- she is a young woman with limitless potential who will use the adversity she has overcome to give back to our community. We’re grateful to the Morgan Creek Foundation and to all of our supporters for believing in Tai all our other students who have courageously returned to school to complete their secondary education.